Website Website is a massive renovation we did for real estate agent, Wes Stearns, located in Northern Virginia. The website was in need of a huge makeover and was relatively outdated. The user interface was difficult to manage and finding the right page was a pain for visitors of the site. Our redesign focused on bringing the right items front and center. From the ground up we built a site with an emphasis on finding the right home for you. The entire site was given a fluid design with pages now easily accessible along the top of the site. Contact information, social media integration, and modern site touches have been added to present a unified and fluid redesigned website. One of the most exciting and helpful parts of our custom website renovation includes a live, up-to-date feed of all the properties for sale in Virginia. Below is a picture of the old website followed by pictures of the overhaul we completed.

Old Site


New Main Page


Custom Live Feed


Social Media Integration


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