
Parvizian Fine Rugs Website

Parvizian Fine Rugs is a website we completely redesigned for an Oriental rug dealer located in Bethesda, Maryland. This website required a complete redesign to give it the depth, style, and fluid layout which is easy to navigate for consumers and visitors to the site. The new layout Blue 16 Media introduced includes social media integration, an informative footer, an easy Contact Us widget, and a polished heading with links to a variety of pages. Each page layout is designed to function both on your desktop and mobile devices. We understood that the site needed to place an emphasis on the beautiful rugs. The colors, page design, and function of the site make it easy to view rugs and interact with Parvizian.  Below are images from what the site once looked like and the updated images after our redesign.


Old Site Header



Old Site Contact Page



New Site Header with Contact Widget



New Site Footer



New Site About Us Page


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